“Maži bet Stiprūs” is a Ukraine support organization that has been active since the beginning of the active war in Ukraine. We have a team member who has been involved in aid since 2014. Our organization unites like-minded people who support the quest for freedom and independence of the Ukrainian people and support them in their tireless struggle.


"Drone Swaters" campaign, June-July 2024

54 thousand euros were collected. 15 units of antidrone systems have already been purchased or will be purchased for 4 units in Ukraine.

"Victory toy" campaign, December 2023

115 thousand euros were collected. 230 FPV drones have already been prepared and sent to Ukrainian fighters.

Drone Squadron Campaign, November-December 2022

84 thousand euro raised for the purchase of 40 DJI Mavic3 drones to be handed over to the two brigades supported in Donetsk.

Shipment of furniture to Ukrainian soldiers, July 2024

2 trucks transported 2+ tons of furniture to Ukrainian soldiers in Zhytomyr district. Dozens of volunteers participated in 2 volounteering events.

Drone Songs campaign, July-August 2023

183 thousand euros raised from companies and individuals, which were used to purchase and prepare for combat 305 FPV kamikaze drones “TORO”. Read more.

Ongoing support according the needs

  • ca. € 1 200 000 donations.
  • 26 vehicles.
  • 80 donation consignments.
  • We have sent more than 1000 wide range of models drones to the front.

“Maži bet Stiprūs” team

Raimundas Aleknavičius

Raimundas Aleknavičius

Founder of the organization

Giedrė Gudonytė

Giedrė Gudonytė

Manager of the organization

Martynas Andriejevas

Martynas Andriejevas

Military expert

Andrius Girjotas

Andrius Girjotas

Technical solutions

Osvaldas Guokas

Osvaldas Guokas

Drone expert

Paulius Almintas

Paulius Almintas

Drone expert

Laurynas Žilinskas

Laurynas Žilinskas

Procurement & logistics coordinator



Drone development project coordinator

Mindaugas Varanauskas

Mindaugas Varanauskas

Technology expert

Mantas Antanaitis

Mantas Antanaitis

Technical solutions

Indrė Bružaitė

Indrė Bružaitė

Project management & communication

Eglė M.

Eglė M.


Rusnė Barčaitė

Rusnė Barčaitė


Valdas Šiupinis

Valdas Šiupinis


Vydas Guobužas

Vydas Guobužas

Marketing specialist

The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania approved“Maži bet Stiprūs”
activities in gathering support for Ukraine

Or buy for Ukraine

For permanent sponsorship

Join us!

Want to get involved?

Call +370 610 95 818, if you have questions contact us.

Contact us

VŠĮ Maži bet Stiprūs
Reg. number306028027
Dzūkų str. 15-80,
LT-02161 Vilnius
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